Transferring you to an emergency room safely and quickly
Emergency room Transfers

In situations where patients within a primary care facility require emergency care, the entire transferring process must be made as smoothly as possible. They must be immediately transported to an emergency room that has the capacity and resources to provide the necessary services.

A transfer done improperly presents potential risks to the safety of both patients and the staff who is handling the situation. Some of these risks typically include:

  • Transfer delays
  • Miscommunication
  • Errors in the care to be rendered
  • Adverse complications or events
  • Road accidents

Mescon EMS helps to minimize these risks through our experience and expertise in handling emergency room transfers. We can help identify which vehicle is right for you, receiving the needed care even while still in transit. At the same time, our licensed drivers are knowledgeable in our service areas and can safely yet quickly drive you to the emergency room.

Book a transport request today or call 281-397-3727 for more details.

three medical staff smiling